SKIOLD Dansk Feed Vietnam

Feed mill - 30 tons/hour Vietnam

500,000 tons pig feed

Amazing feed mill with an annual production of 500,000 tons of pig feed, branding the feed as “Dansk Feed” meaning; Danish Feed. 

VTF is an existing SKIOLD customer, and we have delivered three pig farms to them. The customer demands the best of the best, and they want to supply feed which is in the same high quality as the feed from Denmark, with regards to nutrition and feed safety.

We have delivered the grinding solution; two SKIOLD SK780 disc mills each with a capacity of 30 tons/hour and the conveying system to this feed factory. The reason for choosing the SKIOLD Disc mills is that it´s possible to vary the grinding degree during operation, and thereby having a short shift when producing different types of feed.

See also one of their pig farms, see the video here or read the story about their SKIOLD Pig farm

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